CVS Çeviri | CVS Translation


Document Translation

Translation is done in accordance with your target audience. For the translation process to be smooth and swift, we incorporate CAT tools that enable numerous translators to work on the same project into the process.




Imported services and products should be localized before being presented to the Turkish-speaking user. This way, the users can use the product in question to its maximum potential.




Whether it is a translation or not, we provide you the service of proofreading. The main purpose of proofreading is to find grammatical errors and to spot elements that disrupt the fluency of the text.




Setting an audio-visual element down in writing is called transcribing. Today, much of the content created involves audio-visual elements.


About us

As CVS Translation Services, in line with our customers’ purposes and needs, we deliver the desired translation of the requested text(s). To deliver the perfect final product, we work with translators who have a good command of the language pair and the cultures to which the languages belong. Technological advances affect the translation industry as well as they affect all areas of life. We incorporate technology into the translation process because we believe obtaining the best translation text requires humans and technology to work together in a harmony.

Translation Services

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Professional Translation Services

CVS Translation attaches great importance to customer satisfaction. Communication channels are always open with our project managers throughout the process.

[Translated] CVS Translation team has been translating articles for Plase Dergi (a digital sports magazine) for a long time. They delivered each text on time and we received positive feedback from our readers. They gained the appreciation of our readers with the fluency and naturalness of the texts they created.

Barış Işık – Plase Dergi Academy Director

Your Thoughts

[Translated] I would like to thank CVS Translation team for their professional translation services and good communication throughout the process.

Alihan Akçam – Dentist

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